Speak french

Speak French

Improve your French language skills the fun, immersive way!

A colorful logo with the words speak french written in letters.

Learn the language by “living” it. We are not a school that teaches “grammaire, conjugaison and memorisation.”

We offer fun extra-curricular activities; we teach the fun, immersive way that is used in French programs! Our educators speak French to the children and translate only when necessary. They encourage them to answer back in French, even if only a word here and there, while helping them find their words and improve their sentence structure as needed. French is taught through various subjects: sciences, geography, cultures, legends etc. Themes vary so the children learn the vocabulary associated with various disciplines.


For the beginners, we begin with word-picture associations based on weekly themes. We encourage your children to say the words and point to the corresponding picture. They are then given simple sentences, asked to repeat them and confirm they understand their meaning.


Your children read passages from age appropriate books, stories and poems! Our educators help them understand the words, the meaning of the sentences and encourage them to explain the text in their own words. They are also asked to write simple sentences that, with time, will turn into paragraphs! Word “dictée” will re-enforce their learning.


Advanced students will read longer passages from a children’s book, a fable or a poem. They explain the story using their own words and write a few sentences or a short paragraph about the text. A short “dictée” is also added every now.

What you need:

  • A screen (computer, tablet, phone) connected to the internet
  • A webcam so you can see us and we can see you
  • Audio turned on so you can hear speak and be heard
  • An adult to help setup

Useful Information

  • Grades : grades 1 to 6
  • Frequency : Weekly over 9 weeks
  • Dates and times : January 12 to March 11, 2021 from 5:00 to 5:45/6:00 p.m. (E.S.T.)
    • Tuesdays - beginners (can understand and say a few words or basic sentences)
    • Wednesdays - intermediates (can say a few sentences, using simple sentence structure)
    • Thursdays - advanced (can hold a simple conversation and read simple sentences)
  • Group size : 4 to 6 students
  • Price: $153+HST for the 9-week session
  • Registration deadline: January 7, 2021


Register NOW! $153+HST for the 9-week session – Deadline January 7, 2021 
EXPLORUM reserves the right to cancel the workshops if a minimum number of registrations is not reached.
Payment will not be processed until the session is confirmed.