
EXPLORUM virtual programs are great at providing an educational and entertaining experience for kids. The facilitators are very informative and pay attention to individual needs. We tried it with both smaller group of 4 and big group of 18.
Finding such programs in French is hard in Toronto.
Mother of grade 2 Boy
My son was initially overwhelmed by how well everyone spoke and how little he understood. You really helped to make it understandable and less stressful for him.  So thank you for making him feel comfortable to be willing to try to speak French. Which he did which was a big first step. I feel like this class will actually get him learning to speak French without the stress of having to worry about all the other details like grammar and conjugaisons.
Mother of 13-year-old boy
Explorum représente aux yeux de ma fille un mélange d'apprentissage et de fun !! La personne qui dirigeait la classe faisait en sorte que tous les enfants étaient inclus et que leur niveau de curiosité augmentait. Ma fille a pris plaisir à suivre les directives simples et concises. Les enfants sont tellement captés par l’expérience qu'ils finissent par oublier qu'ils font des sciences !! Un programme fantastique, qui réveille la curiosité des enfants !!
Maman d'une fille en 2éme
Merci pour avoir animé l'atelier d'hier. M… dit avoir aimé et dit vouloir continuer à faire d'autres activités. Merci infiniment pour le temps passé avec les enfants de La Maison et de permettre aux enfants à explorer leur créativité
Coordinator at "La Maison"
Both of my kids have experienced Explorum’s workshop in person as well as virtually. It was amazing to have fun activities like this one available while the kids were at home. Lots of fun and engaging, bilingual instructors!
Mother of 10- and 13-year-olds
I have nothing but the highest recommendation for Explorum! Both of my boys have enjoyed the fascinating, hands on workshops in school and at private parties. Explorum is unique and above all the kids not only have fun but actually learn through the magic of science!
Mother of 10- and 12-year-olds