
Let EXPLORUM help you deliver your elementary science curriculum in-class with our Curriculum Correlated workshops! Hands-on STEAM workshops offered in the comfort of your school, daycare or other venue!

In-Class EXPLOration

Our educational and fun workshops are designed to reinforce concepts taught in class; they are sure to be a hit with your students.

Teachers: Please check our list of workshops

  • Grade level: Grades 1 to 8
  • Workshop length: 30-90 minutes
  • Workshop format: hands-on workshops
  • Material and equipment: Schools may be asked to supply basic material such as paper, scissors, plastic bottles, markers, glue, (a detailed list will be shared ahead of time); more specialised material will be provided by EXPLORUM.
  • Supervision: The teacher responsible for the class shall be present during the workshop to assist students and the presenter during the experiments.
  • School year dates: Monday to Friday during the school year
  • School requirements: The room set-up and requirements will depend on each workshop. Experiments may require running water, heat, windows, electricity etc. Contact EXPLORUM if you wish to discuss these requirements prior to booking the programs.
  • Price: 
    $295+HST for the 2nd workshop delivered on the same day
    $275+HST for the 3rd workshop delivered on the same day

After-school Care

So much more than babysitting! STEAM multi-disciplinary workshops that nurture not only the brains but also the creativity of your little ones. Contact us to set-up a program at your school or daycare.

Practical Information

Grade Level: 1st-3rd and 4th-6th grade
Workshop Duration: 45 to 90 minutes
Session Duration: Typically 8 to 10 weeks based on the school calendar. Sessions will be scheduled with the school.
Workshop Selection: EXPLORUM will choose a series of workshops that cover multiple themes. Contact us for special requests.
Format: Hands-on workshops
Group Size:
Grade 1-3: Max 12 students
Grade 4-6: Max 15 students

OPTION 1: Program Booked by the Daycare

Materials and Equipment: Schools may be asked to provide basic materials such as paper, scissors, plastic bottles, markers, glue (a detailed list will be shared in advance); more specialized materials will be provided by EXPLORUM.
Supervision: The classroom teacher must be present during the workshop to assist students and the facilitator during the experiments.

OPTION 2: Program Booked by Parents
Materials and Equipment: The materials will be provided by EXPLORUM.
Rates depend on length of session

Dates will be scheduled with the school or daycare.

Lunch-time Activities

 Perfect introduction to STEAM-based learning! 6 to 12-week sessions of weekly 30-minute workshops delivered at your school over lunch!

Practical Information

  • Grade level: Grades 1-3 or 4-6
  • Workshop length: 45-90 minutes
  • Session length: typical sessions span 8-10 weeks based on the school calendar. Sessions will be scheduled with the daycare.
  • Workshop selection: EXPLORUM will choose a series of workshops that span several themes. Contact us for specific requirements
  • Workshop format: hands-on activities
  • Group size:
  • Grade 1-3 – Max 12 students
  • Grade 4-6 – Max 15 students

OPTION 1: Booked by school/daycare

  • Material and equipment: School/Daycare may be asked to supply basic material such as paper, scissors, plastic bottles, markers, glue, (a detailed list will be shared ahead of time); more specialised material will be provided by EXPLORUM.
  • Price:

OPTION 2: Booked by parents

    Material and equipment: Material will be provided by EXPLORUM.
    Group size:

    • Grade 1-3 – 6-12 students
    • Grade 4-6 – 6-15 students

    Price depends on length of session

      Dates to be arranged with school/daycare

Camps (Holidays, PA-Days)

Add a zest of science to your camps with EXPLORUM’s fun programs! A mix of STEAM and DIY activities are on the agenda to enrich your camp programming. We offer activities lasting from 1 to 3 hours during your camps or PA days!

  • Ages: 5 to 12 year-olds
  • Group size:
    • 5 to 7 year-olds: 12-20 campers/group
    • 8 to 12 year olds: 12-25 campers/group
  • Frequency: daily or weekly based on your needs
  • Workshop length: 1 to 3 hours depending on the ages and your preference 
  • Workshop format: hands-on activities
  • Vacations: P.A. days, March Break, summer vacation and winter holidays
  • Material and equipment: basic school supplies such as paper, scissors, bottles, markers, glue etc. will be provided by the school/daycare (a list will be shared ahead of time); more specialised material will be provided by EXPLORUM.
  • Supervision: Camp counselors needed to supervise and assist children during the experiment.
  • Price: 
    $295+HST for the 2nd workshop delivered on the same day
    $275+HST for the 3rd workshop delivered on the same day

School events and festivals

Book us for any of your special days, back to school team-building, end of year festival or any other special event in between. Hands-on activities or interactive demonstrations that are sure to please your participants! Fun, team-building, educational, indoor or outdoor activities for students alone or along with their parents!

  • Ages: 5 to 12 year-olds
  • Workshop length :45-90 minutes
  • Workshop format:hands-on
  • Material and equipment: EXPLORUM will bring the materials necessary for the workshop. We may ask you for common school supplies such as markers, paper, empty plastic bottles, glue etc. – the exact list depends on the workshop(s) and will be provided in advance.
  • Supervision: Parent/teacher volunteers are needed depending on the size of the group
  • Price: Depends on duration, number of children and other factors – typical price for a 1-hour workshop with 20-30 kids : $315+HST