Today is International Youth Day. Today is the day we celebrate the youth, the young and the ideas of so
many juvenile minds. Youth around the world have changed views on so many topics and made
discoveries and innovations that are beyond many expectations. We continue to acknowledge the part
youth has in our society, not only on this day, but throughout history and into the future. Today is also the
day we recognize how many young children around the globe are declined necessary and basic reading
and writing skills. We understand and contemplate how many youth lives are in poverty and the sacrifices
to their education they make to accommodate for their family. Today is really a day to reflect on all that
and strive for a better future and upbringing for these kids. This day was created by the United Nations to
help bring awareness to this cause and find solutions. EXPLORUM works to bring a bit of fun to kid’s
education, raising them to realise that education does not only mean “formal education that is taught in
schools and books, but can be found everywhere around us. It encourages kids to learn by thinking and
asking so one day they may become leaders who will impact the world in more ways than one.